
Friday, September 16, 2022

 September 16, 2022

Little Cimarron Ride

Joann and I took a ride up the Little Cimarron to see if any fall colors were coming on yet.  Nope.  But, we did get to see what I now call the Moose Odd Couple.  The small bull has really weird antlers.  I saw him earlier in the summer.  The cow has a lame back leg - actually it is missing from nearly here knee down.  Some say she was hit by a car in the previous year and then lost that lower part of her leg.  She was doing everything she could to get that young bull to breed her, but he wasn't interested in the slightest.  She didn't get around real well and I doubt she could have even held him up had he been interested.  They made moose noises and things, but did not breed.  A hunting camp with mules was right next to them.  They paid no attention.  However, when the moose made their calls, the mules did not like it.  They pulled on their ropes which were tied to the trailer and tried to get as far away from the moose as possible.  It was very fun to watch.