
Wednesday, August 24, 2022

 August 24-29, 2022

Vernal Trip 

We decided to go to Vernal for our anniversary.  We had a great time seeing old friends, wandering the Uinta Mtns and hiking.  The Budweiser clydesdales were in town, so that was a special treat.  There was also a balloon festival going on which we watched a couple mornings.  And of course, we can't go to Vernal without going up on Diamond Mountain.  Joann was determined to get a photo of a pelican, which she achieved.  We also went down south to check on the wild horses.  We were really happy to see the gray stallion was still doing well after a couple years since we lived there.  All in all, it was a fantastic few days.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

 August 13, 2022

Sanborn Park Wandering

Joann and I headed for the hills.  We wandered over into Sanborn and did a bit of hiking around.  Saw a few woodpeckers and ran into a doe and two fawns on the way back.  Another wonderful day - thank you Lord!

Friday, August 12, 2022

 August 12, 2022

Uncompahgre Ride & Birding

We took off and went up on the Pahgre and headed down the Nucla Road.  We stopped at a pond beside the road knowing there might be a few birds around.  All we saw was crossbills there...and a little 'monk'.  A couple deer, a kestrel and a hawk rounded out the day nicely.  We then headed down the road and saw a gully washer out over the Norwood area.  But, the further we got down the road the muddier it got.  It was very slick and the mud stuck to the Jeep tires.  We flipped her around and got out of there.  It was still a good day!

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

 August 10, 2022

Moore Mesa Birding Hike

I'm not sure exactly how far I walked - probably 4 or 5 miles.  There weren't many birds around, but it was a great time out in the mountains anyway.

"Until you spread your wings; you'll have no idea how far you can fly."

Napoleon Bonaparte