I'm blessed to live in a part of this great country; where the San Juan Mountains of Colorado are in my back yard. I love to take photos, hike, fish, hunt and just plain ramble in the mountains as much as possible. They are my "therapy center"; my sanctuary at times; and my reminder of my creator. Everywhere I turn in the mountains reveals God's wisdom and power. I'm also blessed to have a wife that allows me to scratch my hiking itch regularly. It's only right that I share what I'm blessed to see with those who cannot go there themselves. Though I have the usual digital editing tools; my goal is to present what I actually saw and convey the mood that it conveyed to me. So much of digital photography involves "over-the-top" editing in my opinion. It is true that the digital camera just cannot always see what our God-created eyes see. So, some minor editing is necessary. But, to be true to the original artist - the Creator - I cannot in good conscience make my own masterpiece. My goal is to let Him get the glory as much as possible. Many posts will have a definite Christian theme. If that offends you please feel free to find another blog more to your liking. I hope you enjoy these ramblings and photos! God Bless!
"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and places to pray in, where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul." John Muir