
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Vacation 2019 - Return Trip

We left Jackson and went over to Star Valley through Afton, Smoot, etc.  What a beautiful valley.  We were going to spend the night in Evanston, WY but got there far quicker than we thought.  So, we rearranged things and headed on to Vernal to spend our last night.  On the way we went by Bear Lake.  That was a treat.  I hadn't been there since I was in college at Utah State.  Wow, had it changed - much more touristy now.

Afton, WY

Lunch spot next to Bear Lake

Back around Flaming Gorge

Joann really liked all the flowers that lined the streets of Vernal.

Well, that's all she wrote for vacation 2019.  It was a great trip!