I've been on top of Sneffels and all around it on its flanks. There are springs everywhere! It's as if the mountain itself is a never ending fountain spreading life for many miles. This stream joins the Uncompahgre River; which joins the Gunnison River; which joins the Colorado River, etc. The trickle of water that begins on this mountain nourishes plants, animals, and people for thousands of miles. And who knows where the drops of water that form this stream have come from! They may have traveled thousands of miles across this planet; until the spire of Sneffels reached out and captured them.
I'm reminded of God's promise after the flood of Noah's time. "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." Genesis 8:22 His nature is to give life abundantly and preserve it. His adversary only comes to kill, steal and destroy - John 10:10. That stream of life from the Father will never cease - no matter what the immediate conditions may look like.
Sometimes it's good to stop and reflect on the ceaseless blessings that God sends our way. Just as the stream seems stopped in time; sometimes we need to stop all the motion around us for a little while and "take stock" of what is important in life.
We were not built to live at a constant frenzied pace. We've brought it on ourselves! Our God, who is constantly "holding all things together" and constantly maintaining the seasons; and constantly maintaining night and day and doing all that is involved in universe management - calls us at times to "be still and know that He is God".