
Monday, February 20, 2023

 February 20, 2023


Joann and I did our walk by the river again.  I never get tired of photographing birds.  The mountain bluebirds were very cooperative.  It was a treat to see both western and mountain bluebirds.  Spring must be around the corner - the Redwing Blackbirds are coming back.  First photo this year of a Woodhouse Scrubjay.  I used the ole Canon SX70 today on a monopod.  Kind of cold down there today.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

 February 18, 2023


Another bald eagle - or the same one revisited.  Other birds too!  The king fishers actually sat still lone enough to get a photo.  Nikon P950

Friday, February 17, 2023

 February 17, 2023


Joann walked with me today at the river.  We had good birding with another eagle and other birds. I love it when there's still snow on the ground and in the trees down there. Sony RX10IV

"Every Christian would agree that a man’s spiritual health is exactly proportional to his love for God."

C. S. Lewis

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

 February 15, 2023

Snow Storm

Happy Birthday to my sweetie today.  We got a dandy snowstorm.  It started yesterday evening while we were at a Valentines banquet at church, and it also snowed a bit during the day.  We don't get many big snow storms.  Some deer wandered out of the brush across the street and had that look of "what's going on?"  Canon 70D

Sunday, February 12, 2023

 February 12, 2023


Today's walk was a hoot.  As I'm walking down the pathway, I hear a wind type noise and turn to see a bald eagle flying below treetop level right at me.  He went over me and banked into the cottonwoods and landed.  I then got some good photos of him.  Lots of folks on the trail today and all were saying how cool that was. What regal birds they are.  There were other birds, but baldy stole the show.       Sony RX10IV

Saturday, February 11, 2023

 February 11, 2023

Ridgway By The River

Today we went up by Ridgway Reservoir.  A dipper was having a good time in a side stream. We also stopped by our river for a walk too.  Lots of Cedar Waxwings.  Panasonic G95